Small question & answers on understanding essence of yoga.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What is importance of yogic rotuines ?

What is importance of yogic rotuines ?
Routines which helps to do right thing at right time helps on to remain more aware. For eg: Going to bed early and rising early helps one to remain more active & energetic.

How do one make his routine better ?
One should not bring lot of changes abruptly. We should try to take few things and master them and slowly make our wholedaily schedule better.

Some of the things for better routine ?
1) Early to bed, early to rise.
2) having good breakfast, good lunch, some snacks i nevening and light dinner.
3) reading something positive before going to bed.
4) doing some physical activities in mroning.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What are Yoga Asanas are inspired from ?

What are Yoga Asanas are inspired from ?
Asanas are inspired from nature. In olden days sages use to live in natural surrounding, after observing some good quality from plants, animals, river, mountains, and other natural objects, they made asanas.

Example of asana derived from some plant ?
Talasana, this asana is inspired from Plant named "TAD". This plant is a long straight plant. Hence talasana induces us with value streching our body straight.

Example of asana derived from animal ?
Bhujangasna, is dervied from COBRA (Bhujang means cobra in sanskrit). Cobra has strong hood, on which it stands up. Bhujangasana induces value of making our muscles/backbone strong & flexible.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Is yoga medicine ?

Is yoga medicine ?
Yoga is not medicine. Yoga has much higher meaning & purpose. Although most of the people start learning yoga only because of some health conditions, but gradually one should try to inbibe essence of this knowledge.

How much time should I practise yoga ?
Yoga is not some activity which you can perform for few minutes or hour. Yoga is a way of life. Eevery action in life if we do with steady mind & awareness, we get the true value of yoga.

Is yoga for everyone ?
Yes. Yoga is for everyone.

How to find right yoga teacher ?

How to find right yoga teacher ?
We need to check his/her complete life style, because a person who himself/herself doesnt know to live well, cannot teach to others.

Why do most of the yoga training are just physical training ?

We have got mileaded in the physical aspect. We think yoga is physical thing. But yoga has much bigger meaning. It is way of life.

Does reading books on yoga help ?
Yoga is a vast subject, reading & listening to others help. But eventually one should become more independent & practise yoga.

What is Asana ?

What is Asana?
Asana is sthiram sukham (steady & joy giving). Asana are postures which help us to remain physically fit. While doing asanas, if we keep right mental attitude it works wonder.

Do I need practise all Asanas ?
Not necessary. Its more important to keep right purpose of yoga, which is beyond posture.

Which is best time to practise yoga ?
Dusk & dawn.

What is Awareness ?

What is Awareness ?
Amareness is quality which helps us to remain connected to ourself, while we are busy with the external world.

How can one become more aware ?
Its a mental training & it is long process. If we start picking up few activities of our daily life (eg: eating food, walking, or any simple things) & start doing it with more awareness, we can train ourself to become more aware.

Why is awareness important ?
Awareness is important because person with awareness can see happenings of this world with more clarity & not get affected by ups & downs of life.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

What is karma Yoga ?

What is karma Yoga ?
Karma yoga teaches us to perform our duty without getting involved & affected by ups & downs of life.

What is Duty ?
Duty is things we need to with right priority. Duty towards self, duty towards spouse, duty towards family & friends, & finally duty towards whole society.

How does not get involved in ups & downs of life ?
It happens if we do our work with out thinking about results. Plan the job, do the job and dont worry about results once u start the work.

What is yoga ?

What is Yoga ?
Yoga means union. Union made to highest object.
Yoga also means excellence in job.

What is not yoga ?
Yoga is not physical exercise. Yoga has wider meaning.

What is purpose of yoga ?
Yoga brings clarity in life. It helps us to become better by everyday.