Small question & answers on understanding essence of yoga.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

What is importance of yogic rotuines ?

What is importance of yogic rotuines ?
Routines which helps to do right thing at right time helps on to remain more aware. For eg: Going to bed early and rising early helps one to remain more active & energetic.

How do one make his routine better ?
One should not bring lot of changes abruptly. We should try to take few things and master them and slowly make our wholedaily schedule better.

Some of the things for better routine ?
1) Early to bed, early to rise.
2) having good breakfast, good lunch, some snacks i nevening and light dinner.
3) reading something positive before going to bed.
4) doing some physical activities in mroning.


pam said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog, Nil.

Good content here!

pam said...

Thanks for your comments on my blog, Nil.

Good content here!

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Honey said...

I must say that you have included important things which helps us in practicing yoga and getting the benefits of it. When I was in yoga ashram yogis have told me yoga routine by which follower can get the benefits of it.
